Lawns and gardens in Middle Tennessee are subject to all kinds of wildlife. Even if you live in a suburb, it’s likely you’ve almost taken out a deer a time or two with your SUV. As precious as some of these little guys are, a devoured plant bed is not so adorable. Here are some ways to keep the most common wildlife of Tennessee out of your landscape.


These are some of the peskiest of the wildlife in most Tennessee gardens. It can be tough to keep them out of gardens, as they have enough strength to leap. An eight foot fence may be the trick, but that’s both expensive and a pain. Some simpler methods:

  • There are a few plants that deer tend to avoid. Placing deterrents like French marigolds, foxglove, crepe myrtle, mint and rosemary around the exterior of your garden can prevent further nibbling.
  • Strong smells can be off-putting to deer, such as urine from predators (found in outdoor stores) or strong smelling soap hung around a garden.
  • Deer are known to be skittish, so wind chimes, motion-sensing sprinklers or lights, or other motion or sound devices can help startle them away.


They’re adorable, but they can do some significant damage to your plants. They’ll eat just about anything from flowers and herbs to branches and buds. You can control these furry friends by:

  • Installing chicken wire around certain fruit or vegetable crops should keep rabbits and some other nibblers away.
  • Taste and odor repellents are distasteful and harmless, but they will need to be reapplied periodically.


It may seem like squirrels are abundant and harmless, but don’t be fooled. Squirrels can bring in the double whammy of doing damage to your garden AND your home. These critters will chew on siding or eaves to weasel their way into your attic to make nests. At that point, they can chew on insulation, wiring, and other household essentials. Here are a few ways to keep squirrels from moving in:

  • Keep your tree limbs pruned away from your house so squirrels can’t jump to your house.
  • Seal any holes that can be entryways (even ones you think are too small). This includes dryer vents, HVAC and gas lines and more.
  • Install wire mesh over downspouts to prevent squirrels and chipmunks from creating beds and causing clogging, which can lead to water damage.

All of these methods are humane and safe for pets and children to be around. We value our wildlife in Middle Tennessee, but we also love our gardens and landscaping to be without damage! If you need any assistance repairing or maintaining your landscaping, give us a call.