Protecting Your Plants in the Winter
Nashville isn’t always the most well-equipped when it comes to snow, ice, or cold weather in general. We generally have a relatively mild climate, but winter here can be unpredictable at best. If you’re noticing damage to your plants and wish you would’ve done something a little more to protect them, here are some ways to protect your plants and landscape from the cold in the future.
Prepare Your Plants
Good lawn maintenance for each season begins well before the season starts. By taking care of your plants throughout the year, you’ll ensure strong, healthy plants during the tough season. This TLC includes proper fertilizing and watering.

Warm Them Up
This seems like a no-brainer, but if you have plants that are mobile, bring them inside. Potted and hanging plants can be salvaged and will survive much better indoors. Even if you don’t want them in your living space, moving to a garage or sunroom is a big help, just make sure they’re still receiving sunlight!
Mulch Around
For those stationary plants, a layer of mulch around the base will do wonders for insulating. About 2-3 inches should do the trick. Mulch will trap heat and moisture at the base to protect the roots and maintain a healthy plant. Just remember, insulation works both ways. It’s wise to rake away the mulch when the temperatures begin rising again, or the soil and roots won’t warm as quickly as needed.

Gather and Cover
Young shrubs and trees should be gathered and tied together loosely and then wrapped in burlap after the first frost to keep from stress. Just remember to keep these well-watered after that frost if the soil is dry up to 6 inches.
Older, woody perennials can be left alone typically in a Middle Tennessee climate.
Choose Wisely
Our biggest piece of advice would be to choose plants appropriate for a Nashville climate. This is the easiest choice when it comes to thriving vegetation. Each area of the country is divided into a classification system by the USDA, known as the Plant Hardiness Zones. We recommend checking these out before purchasing any new plants for long-term landscaping.
Protecting your investment on your plants and landscaping during the winter can be a lot of work. As a client of Greathouse, we’ll take care of all the hard parts for you, including recommending appropriate plants during the design phase. Give us a call if you want peace of mind that your landscaping is taken care of.
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Contact Greathouse today to see how our Nashville landscaping services can improve your property.