Your Landscape Maintenance Checklist
Just like the interior of your home, your exterior living area needs maintenance year-round. Some tasks need to be frequently completed- weekly or bi-weekly- and some that are larger for once a season or once a year. It can be difficult to keep track of everything you need to do for lawn maintenance, so we’ve created this lawn maintenance checklist to keep you on track.
Pest control
- Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are pests that can be difficult to control.
- Other animals such as deer, rabbits, and squirrels can damage your vegetation if precautions aren’t taken.
Related: How to Keep Your Lawn and Garden Free of Wildlife
- Removing the entire weed by its roots is the surest way to get rid of it.
- Herbicides do work but use caution when applying. They will kill not only the weed but also other nearby plants.
- Keep weeds to a minimum by covering the soil with an inch or two of mulch.
- An inch-thick layer of mulch will keep your planting beds relatively weed-free.
- Grass is a plant that grows thick and bushy when healthy and will usually choke out any other weeds.
- Some chemical fertilizers come with a “pre-emergent,” which kills the seeds in the spring when the plants are dormant.
- Don’t cut grass too short. Longer grass is healthier and retains water better.Trimming and edging will keep your sidewalks and driveways looking crisp.
Leaf removal
- Remove all leaves from grassy areas. The layer of leaves can restrict the amount of light reaching the lawn and trap water near the roots, resulting in turf disease.
- Depending on your climate, fertilize your lawn and growing beds two to five times per growing season.
Tree Care
- Shrubs and trees require seasonal pruning. Prune away branches that are getting out of control.
- Many hedges need to be re-shaped several times during the summer.
Watering + Irrigation maintenance
- Winterize your irrigation system during the fall by draining or “blowing out” the water from the pipes and turning off the timer.
- Be sure sprinklers are turned off, or you have a rain sensor, so you aren’t over-watering during spring storms.
Spring/Fall clean-up
- Rake out the leftover leaves and trash that has built up over the cold months.
- Consider applying a fresh layer of mulch to protect new shoots from frost.
- Install seasonal color to your plant beds to keep them looking beautiful.
Related: Spring Landscape Planning Starts Now
- Aerate your lawn to see the best results when seeding. Aerating provides a solution to soil compaction and prepares your lawn for the upcoming season.
- Aeration also allows water and sunlight to better penetrate to the roots of your grass seed.
If this all sounds like a lot of work, it’s because it is. Most people don’t have the time or even the will, to keep up with these things on a regular basis. Greathouse would be happy to take the worry off your plate while providing professional level service and treatments. Take back your weekends and let us handle your lawn maintenance checklist.

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Contact Greathouse today to see how our Nashville landscaping services can improve your property.